Wellness Testing

posted: by: PCPC Tags: "Clinic Specials" "News" 

Wellness testing in pets (and in people!) is recommended to identify hidden health conditions early before symptoms begin and the body is permanently damaged. Sometimes simple lifestyle changes like medication or diet can add years to a pet's (or a person's) life.

We are so excited to offer new, lower prices on our wellness programs! We have partnered with Antech Laboratories to make wellness testing more affordable for you because it is so important! Studies show that 2 out of 10 seemingly healthy pets show some marked abnormality on wellness testing.  
Of course, in-house testing is still available for pets that are ill when time can be a large factor in diagnosing illness or disease, but for healthy pets, samples can be obtained and sent to Antech via courier. Most results are available within 1-3 days.

Your veterinarian will review the results. If the results are normal, you will likely be contacted by a team member with the good news. If results indicate cause for concern, the veterinarian will call you to discuss a plan for your pet.
Human doctors recommend wellness testing for us as we age, but pets age faster than we humans do. Wellness testing is recommended at least twice between ages 1-6 and than annually after age 7.. The team at PCPC wants your help your pet live a long, healthy, happy life.

You can save even more money if you combine your wellness testing with your pet's annual vaccinations and examinations. You will likely spend more money filling your gas tank than you would on an adult wellness screening. Speak to a team member today to learn about the benefits of wellness screenings.